Posture Grid – Wall Mount (Metric)

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8.00 LBS
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Metric measurement posture chart

Plus, BONUS #1 Forms & Flyers

BONUS #2 Handouts

The Wall Mount Grid is perfect for use at your practice - every office should have one!

  • The Metric measurement wall mount grid measures approx.  80cm x 2m.
  • Text and lines are printed in blue. The material is a durable translucent white flexible material.
  • Visually assess posture, and document your findings by taking a quick digital photograph.
  • The grid may be cleaned easily with a soft sponge and dish soap, so it always looks good!
  • The in-office wall mount posture analysis grid is printed on flexible plastic material with grommets for easy hanging.
  • Great for the office as it takes zero floor space! You can also teach Wall Protocol StrongPosture Exercises against it – and wipe clean.
  • Easy Installation Instructions >>>

“Just what I was looking for. Originally bought one from another company but it was just banner material and did not lay flat – sent it back. This one has very clean look and the posture images look right. Good purchase, helpful staff.”~ Mark Miller
A picture is worth a thousand words, and posture pictures provide compelling visual evidence for patients as well as providing important data for tracking posture changes and choosing appropriate posture rehab protocol. The horizontal and vertical lines make posture deviations easy to identify and explain to patients and clients, plus pre- & post- posture analysis pictures makes it easy to demonstrate increased symmetry and other changes. 

“Very high quality! Will last forever! Easy to hang with the grommets and makes identifying postural imbalances very easy. I would highly recommend this product!”~ Tyler Tsujimoto

Help more people - Join the CPEP Advanced Posture Specialist Training Program >>>

This is the number one posture grid on the market and is used by posture professionals; chiropractors, physical therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, massage therapists, chiropodists, orthopedists, dentists, personal and fitness trainers, Orofacial Myologists, Pilates and yoga instructors, coaches, Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais practitioners, hospitals, researchers, athletic teams, clinics, colleges and universities internationally.

This is the grid used by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (The Alliance).

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9 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Washington Chiropractic on 20th Nov 2023

    We just added posture assessment to our initial visit with functional medicine assessment, xray and ROM. I bought the 90 min posture course and the wall grid. Great purchases. They also sent me forms.

  • 5
    Posture Grid

    Posted by Nichole on 2nd Feb 2022

    Works great! Very durable material. You may want to let it sit out unrolled for a day prior to placing it on wall. I screwed mine into the wall, but it has relaxed now and should have been placed ever so slightly higher; but I don't want to make another set of holes in the wall now.

  • 5

    Posted by RonNatural on 18th May 2019

    High quality screener for chiros. Use with photography as well for posture.

  • 5
    Awesome and well worth it! Super thick!

    Posted by M. Manfro on 5th Feb 2019

    It’s awesome! Cheaper than the Perform Better and probably better!
    Comes with great information and it is THICK! much thicker than the pictures look. I was surprised. Will have to tape to the wall with double side tape but other than that it’s great! (Update: double stick tape does the job!)
    Well worth it and will look wonderful in the gym to accommodate my FMS evaluations!

  • 5
    posture grid

    Posted by Gina Carpenter on 6th Mar 2015

    My clients are very motivated by improvement. We start with small goals and work toward them, and as these are met, we move forward with bigger challenges.

    I've been employing the grid – it helps me as I assess the exercises for wall tilts and alignment exercises (CPEP posture certification protocols). You see people gradually inch closer to the wall as a result of their work. It's nice to see the improvement, but also to let them know that they are making progress and that you are paying attention to that progress. It makes a difference in their determination and compliance.

  • 5
    recruiting, education, and documentation

    Posted by Ellen Smith on 2nd Dec 2014

    Using a posture grid serves three purposes: recruiting, education, and documentation.

    Everybody likes to have their picture taken. Placing the grid in the office or at a lecture draws potential clients, and gives you a window to educate about the importance of posture. Once you’ve begun working with the patient, you can go back to the grid and show tangible improvements.

  • 5
    metric postural chart

    Posted by Jorge Manuel on 14th May 2013

    I've had the grid installed for a month and use it everyday. Clients are interested to have the postural analysis. I have a bootcamp this summer and plan to take pictures before and after.

  • 5
    posture chart

    Posted by Jordan Burkhart on 2nd Apr 2013

    My partner and I are using PostureZone and a PostureZone Grid for our physical therapy research project. We are comparing forward head posture from the side before and after 2 different exercise programs to see if one is more effective at improving posture. One program is just a general strengthening program of the core muscles and back. The other program uses Wii Fit yoga. Both programs are 6 weeks long and we will be taking a picture of the participants before and after the program to see if there are any changes. Our research findings will be presented as our thesis at the end of our doctoral program.
    Jordan Burkhart
    Supervised by Dr. Craig Ruby
    Director of Physical Therapy
    Wheeling Jesuit University

  • 5
    Professional Clinical Assessment Tool

    Posted by Luther Lockard, CMT Corporate Massage Therapies-Advanced Treatment Center on 21st Jun 2012

    The Posture Grid Wall product description says it all. It is all that was advertised to be. It took all of 5 minutes to set up and enhances the professional clinical look of my office. Along with the Posture Principles Posters hanging nearby, this location of my therapy room provides an ideal meeting point for discussing implementing all activities regarding posture.

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